Sunday, July 2, 2017

I am exceedingly, abundantly, BLESSED!!!

♩Take the time, look around, there are those who survive with much less God has provided for me everyday And if I need more, He'll just make a way I may not have everything, still I'm abundantly BLESSED!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Same shoes different feet

I sat and ponder over this that came to me. WHAT?? Same shoes different feet now what does this have to do with anything: what does this mean? And it hit me two people can be going through the same situation, two people can have the same issue, but the difference is how they handle that situation and who they handle it with. Jesus makes all the difference. When you give God all your burdens, all of your troubles, all of your heartaches and pains he will remove them the thing we have to understand those things come to prepare us, come to make us stronger, come to make us better, come to make us wiser. Everything God does is for our good we might not understand it, but TRUST and have FAITH because he knows what he's doing.

Matthew 6:8 Be not yet therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

~Blessings ~

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

In Due Timing

Psalms 37:4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

God knows what we need and what we want and in due time he will give us those desires. We have to learn to have patience. It's funny how we can tell our children to be patience, can you JUST WAIT..And in reality that's what God is telling us (his children) the same thing WAIT!

Lamentations 3:25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

You can't be in such a hurry! Think about a math equation you have to go step by step to get the answer theirs no skipping steps. Just like that math problem theirs steps we have to take. Take joy knowing in due time God will Bless you with those desires.

Choose to live right!!!

Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.
In such a messed up world “CHOOSE TO LIVE RIGHT “. Often times we are so focused on the give me now or do immediately mentality that we fall into the trap of the enemy. We rush to do things and when it all goes wrong were crying and complaining. When thats not the direction God was sending us in anyways. He dosent want us to lose sight, that we take our minds off of him.
We can send our on lives in chaos. I tell my kids all the time DO RIGHT..make the right choices so you don’t have to be like me I followed what others was doing and it through my whole life off track I made the biggest detour because I wanted to be like the world. If I would’ve just did right, listen, did what God commandments and scriptures said I wouldn’t had to make such a big u-turn. When we do what God says were going on the right path🔜 but when we follow others  ðŸ”™ we get off that right path and sometimes it takes years to get back on track ..some people go in ðŸ”ƒ circles for years before they end up on the right path.
Remember  God can make the impossible POSSIBLE so, instead of focusing on the give me now mentality lets choose to wait on God.  screenshot_20170103-101242

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Living for God in a world that has so many cultures and religion. One thing I know is God is good and that he's the one that change my life. It wasn't any other religion I was calling on the name of Jesus through all those trials and tribulations. And he told me Follow Me. As you continue to go forward day by day I will make every day better and your past you will be able to look back and smile. And that's just what happen I smile because I've overcome so many obstacles in my life time. All those things and obstacles I was faced with has made me a better and stronger mother and wife. And I know it's only by the grace of God that I'm here and that I'm happy. I'm not saying I don't have bad days I do some days I want to cry, but I know God is my strength when I am weak. This blogging thing is something I'm new to and I will try and see where this journey of writing leads me.
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